Fruity Line services a broad and growing base of blue-chip clients in Europe. The success of the company is amongst others driven by the worldwide selection of fresh ingredients – sourced globally and often directly from the grower – and development of processing methods under low temperature that guarantee the highest product quality. The company closely works together with its clients to develop new innovative concepts and products. Fruity Line is a frontrunner in the use of the advanced HPP conservation technique wherein the product – which has been cooled during the entire production process – is briefly placed under high pressure. As a result vitamins and nutrients are optimally preserved and the flavor of fresh products remains fully intact.
Since its inception in 1982 Gilde has gained extensive experience supporting successful and innovative companies in the food industry. Examples of previous portfolio companies in the industry include Koninklijke Peijnenburg, Johma Salades, Banketgroep, All Crump, Grozette, Pre-Pain and Ad van Geloven.